Friday, January 18, 2008

More Pictures..........

~ As Promised More Pictures ~

Here are a few more pictures of my home.
These of course didn't make into the magazine
but I wanted to share them with you.
It's amazing how many pictures they do take
and can use only just a few of them.

The pictures were all taken by the talented
Mark Lohman

Front Porch

I love how Sunday made my front porch look!
I painted the bench a week before the photo shoot
in a pale pink color.
She brought things I had on my back porch
and used them here.


I love my piano.
I had been wanting one for a long time.
Some friends were moving and needed to get rid of it.
I told them if they were ever going to sell it to
"Please" let me know.
Well they just gave it to us
and delivered it which was a two hour drive.
It's nice to have Great friends!!!

I love this picture!
It's on page six of the Romantic Country magazine.
My cabinet is much fuller with clocks then in this picture.
I was just starting to collect them before the photo shoot.
The pink roses are from my garden.


Although this picture is in the magazine
the picture below is a completely different look.
I guess they liked the first one better.
I like them both!

Dining Room


Well here is another picture that didn't make it.
It's another different look of my dining room.
I can't decide which one I like best
but I guess they liked the first one better.
Although I do like my pink chair there.
This picture shows more on my green dresser
which you can't see much of in the magazine.

This one is a different look again
which they didn't use.

This one shows more of the night stand
which was cut in half in the magazine.
I love this vintage table.

Back Porch

This is an old dresser that sits on by back porch.
I found it a few years ago in the trash.
My daughter and I were driving by
and I pulled over to take a look at it.
I loved it and put it in the back of my car.
It was so Heavy!
My daughter was so embarrassed.
A day later I found another dresser in the same trash.
I brought that home too!


I LOVE this photo!
My favorite place to be is in my garden.
I have over 50 PINK rose bushes.
I always have bouquets of roses in my home.

Well those were some of the photos.
I hope you like them all.
Please let me know what you think of them!
There will always be more pictures
I am forever changing and moving things around.
In fact I have some ideas of what I'll do next.............


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Deb said...

Hi Elizabeth
This is my first visit here @ the shabby romantic. Congratulations on having your gorgeous home showcased in Romantic Country magazine! The photos are wonderful and my favourite is your garden photo with the white step ladder, little blue child's chair, garden sign and rustic metal chair. I look forward to stopping by again.

cherub*wishes said...

Like them??? I love them ...all of them ;o)
Elizabeth!! Your home is fabulously gorgeous!!! How can I even have a favorite but I do... the piano area & the porch/garden area ***smiles***
Take care ~

Anonymous said...

It does not matter which version of your rooms we picked for the magazine because each room is gorgeous regardless of the look of the moment. The reason your home always looks beautiful is because it is a reflection of your beautiful self! Voila!

Cottage in the City! said...

As I said before BEAUTIFUL!

Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

Elizabeth ~ Your home is just gorgeous !! what fun to have Fifi there to take pictures ~

Linda said...

Wow the photos are stunning. Thank you for sharing I'm afraid that we don't get Romantic Country magazine over here (well I have never found it) so thank you I don't feel so left out now.

cheers Linda

Rosy Inspiration said...

Your home is gorgeous and these photos are stunning, love your style.Thanks for sharing. Also love the look of your blog.

A Romantic Porch said...

Elizabeth, thank you for sharing more pictures. Can't get enough of your beautiful home!! Love,Rachel

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Hi Elizabeth,
I found you through Rachel (A Romantic Porch). I didn't realized your home was in the RC magazine, it's lovely, you've got such a flair.

I really wish people around my neighborhood would leave nice pieces of furniture around for me and my daughter to put into the back of the car - love that dresser!

Glad to have found your blog!

Miss Gracie's House said...

So pretty, Elizabeth! A bit of spring for this winter's day!
Thanks for sharing!

A Romantic Porch said...

Just dropping by to wish you a happy day today. <3Rachel

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, Elizabeth... I'm speachless! Your house is OUT-OF- THIS-WORLD-GORGEOUS!! I am a huge shabby chic fan and your style is so feminine... love, love, love it! Oh, and piano is awesome... what a beautiful, priceless gift!

Mom of 2 Roses said...

Your house by far (beside Jennifer's house) has been my favorite cottage of the month.
What a happy surprise for me that you have a blog.


oldflowers4me said...

hello- im making a pot of tea would you like a cup- wow your world is sweet divine. singing and skipping-jo

Peta said...

Elizabeth, thanks so much for letting me know about your blog with even more pictures of your gorgeous home! I would love to see more photos of your kitchen.
Thanks for visiting me!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a gorgeous home. I'm definitely going to have to borrow some of your ideas for my recently purchased cottage home. I've done some minor decor changes but have full renos starting in the spring. I hope when it's all said and done it looks as lovely & inviting as your home does. I love the idea of having all those roses. The garden here was neglected for many years so I need to bring that back to it's full glory. I'd love to see more pics of your garden.

God bless,

Melissa said...

I'm so glad I found you! While I can't have my entire home look like yours, I am able to add some pink and filly touches here and there.

I look forward to getting to know you better!

Many Blessings,

Cindy said...

I love all the photos but I really love the photo of the desk! Beautiful!

Vintage Rose Collection said...

Absolutely gorgoues Elizabeth! Thanks for sharing your lovely home with us.

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Thank you for posting the extra pictures! Your house is so beautiful!

Love your blog too!


Rose of Sharon said...

Everything is so beautiful! What great pictures! You are so good at decorating!

:0) Sharon

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Hi Elizabeth,
I just noticed you added me to your creative blogs list - I'm honored! I love your style and can't wait to see/hear more from you. It's a rainy day here, so I think I'll take a while to browse your pictures and look at RC a little bit more on this cozy day.

Anonymous said...

Hi Elizabeth,

I absolutely love your home...voted for it as my favorite on Jennifer's blog. I have a new blog, please check it out. I am new to the blogging world and am trying to get connected. You and I have very similar style. Again, congrats on making Romantic Country magazine. Having Fifi come to your home must have been so exciting.



Rose Garden Romantic said...

Hello! I just found your blog!! I am in LOVE with your gorgeous home!! I am adding your blog to my blog's list of inspiring places to visit! I can't wait to explore the rest of your posts!

Niesz Vintage Home said...

Oh My! What a beautiful home!
Thanks so much for sharing your pictures with us.
Very inspiring!

Kimberly :)

A Romantic Porch said...

Just dropping by to see your beautiful pictures again, sweet girl. I hope you are doing great.

Lori said...

Hi, Seen the article and came over from Pink Icing site, beautiful home!! I so love the white covered furniture and love the way you used the green on the walls. Will visit again, Lori

Alicia ~ Time Worn Style said...

Your home is just so beautiful, thankyou for sharing I really enjoyed the visit!
alicia ~ time worn style

Anonymous said...

Your home is so charming!

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Thank you so much for visiting me and signing up for my giveaway! I love your blog. The pictures of your home are lovely. I would love to add you to my favs, as I would like to visit again!

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

We really need more of Elizabeth out here in blog land! I love your style and could use some more pointers.

Just a friendly hello - hope you're doing great!

I'll be back to check again.

Happy day,

Anonymous said...

i loved taking a virtual tour of your home! it's so romantic! thank you for sharing it all :0)...

also thank you for visiting my humble lil bloggy & entering my OWOH giveaway!

will be back to visit again soon!

:0) mary ann

beth said...

wowzer !! i love love your house and can't wait to see it in one of my favorite magazines !!! lovely lovely- thanks so much for stopping in my blog to say hi !! i have you in my giveaway and you can bet i will back to see what you are up too !!!
love your blog !!

Ruth Welter said...

Elizabeth, I loved my visit to your blog and catching a glimpse of your lovely home as well.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful home you got! I love it, smile.
Have a nice day!

A Romantic Porch said...

Just came back to look at your beautiful home, and wish you a happy leap day! xo Rachel

Anonymous said...

I am French and I do not speak English very well ... I think your blog very pretty and I wanted to tell you. I like your surroundings, your air, I will look at you ...

Unknown said...

Your home is gorgeous and these photos are stunning, love your style!!! So i wounder if its ok that i show this pictures of your on my site, and ofcours tell thats its yours (oh, my english is`nt so good, i hope I make seens.. smile)
My site that I would show them at if thats ok is;

Have a nice day! /Petra

Anonymous said...

I am so in love with your house! And your lovely clock collection...I am hoping to have one someday...but only have one so far! I have seen you in the mags and always enjoy what I see!

I was delighted to find myself listed here as one of your Creative and Fabulous blogs! What a huge honor for me! I can't believe I have only just found your blog now...where have I been??? Will be back...often! You are truly inspirational!


Hi! First time visiting your blog, found it through a swedish blog ( Must say that your blogg and home is just wonderful. Lovely pics you show us....Wish you a nice weekend //Paula from Sweden

Jennifer said...

i love your photos, especially the one with your piano. i just love the pink candles. i am glad you shared, please do again. ;)


Danielle Muller said...

so very pretty!!


Cynthia Patterson said...

I just love your home, as I'm sure you do.
I spent quite awhile gazing into your home,on the pages of my Romantic Country. Your pictures really helped me to focus on the things that I truly love.

thanks bunches


Shanae said...

You have such a beautiful home, I really enjoyed the pictures!

Cynthia Patterson said...

Just stopped by for another visit.
I gotta say; love it, love it, love defintly have the flare.


Tracy said...

Hi Elizabeth, your home is beautiful! My favorite room is your dining room, but they are all lovely. :)

Debbie Kay said...

Check your blog everyday but no new posts. Really would love to see more of your world....

Debbie Kay

Shabby in Pink Boutique said...

Oh my ABSOLUTELY Gorgeous! I love your home....So Romantic and pretty!

{oc cottage} said...

Just gorgeous! Hoping to see more very soon!!!!!

joyh82 said...

I love all the rooms. It is like a fairytale cottage. No wonder it was in the magazine. Congrats!

Ally Jay said...

You are blessed with a truly beautiful home. You must have worked long and hard. Thank you for sharing

Unknown said...

Woh!! Fantastic!! =) hugs Malin xxx

amy said...

Just found your blog, wow!

I'll be back to explore more.

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

Your home is a shabby fantasy come true! I wish I had the knack....I just have a wee bit. When it comes down to it then I just can't seem to put it together. Do you have a web boutique?
I am having a master bedroom makeover dilemma on my blog.....Hope you visit sometime:0)

thepetiterosehouse said...

Its my first time on your blog and let me tell you that is very beautiful ,Im have my own blog on progress and I want you to invite you to visit it.¡¡¡¡ CONGRATULATIONS FOR YOUR HOME !!!!
It is on the best magazine on the world...

Life on the Edge said...

I found your site through the Romantic Porch blog. I literally gasped when I saw these gorgeous rooms in the pink and green! I love shabby chic! Your rooms just take my breath away. I hope you post more.

Nyperosa said...

Ooooh my goood...

Do you realy live
in this house...
It`s adorable !

Are you free
Just for a cup of tea,
please ; )

Au revoir.

Bonita said...

You have such a feminine beautiful home! I really enjoyed drooling over the photos. This was my first visit to your blog and what a treat I got!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful home! I have so loved my visit here with you. xoxo

Jenni B said...

Your home truly looks like a dream come true! It's so beautiful, calm, and peaceful and definitely somewhere I'd want to spend my time!!

Unknown said...

I CANNOT believe I just accidentally found your blog!! When I saw your home in Romantic Country Magazine, I could not stop thinking about it! You have the prettiest house in the world as far as I am concerned! Your kitchen is fabulous, I would love to redo mine just like yours!! I love your garden too. I am so happy I found your blog! Thnak you so much for sharing your home with us!

Please stop by my blog if you get time :)

Bunny Rose Cottage

Andrea said...

Your house so pretty! I love the shabby chic look and the kitchen table is exactly what I have been looking for , for my cottage.

Tootsie said...

OMG!!! I have that issue of the mag! I loved your issue! congratulations! I love your blog. very classy and sooooooo pretty! I am adding you to my list of stops! Hope you don't mind! I am new to blogging. mostly gardening tips and the odd family outing or story. Nothing as nice as this...maybe someday!

Britt- Sparkled Vintage Charm said...

GORGEOUS pics!! love them all!! I cut out your pictures that they showed in the magazine and put them in my inspiration book :-) xo Britt :-)

Anonymous said...

Your home is gorgeous. I especially love the porch and all those pink roses. Thanks for your hospitality. xoxo


These photos are just dreamy.

Connie said...

Oooohmygoodness, what a sweet blog. I found you quite by accident as I went searching for blogging chicks who I've NOT given this award to and to "broaden" my horizons on blogland. Please accept this invitation by going to my blog of yesterday. I doubt you'll find me "DULL" and am such a positive person and funny, too, sweetpea! Anyway, I'd also like to exchange blog links with you if you'd like. You may email me by going to my profile page and my email addy is there. Also I'm having a faux pastries giveaway tomorrow if you'd like to join in. And you're from California, tooooooooo?!?!?! Oh, be still my heart. So are we, but we relocated to Idaho several years ago! Nice to meet you, sweet shabby chickadee!!

Sweetie said...

Your decorating talents are wonderful. I love the soft colors, the use of so much "mix and match" and the way that so many different styles come together to make beautiful spaces.

Anonymous said... takes my breath away!! Oh my goodnes!!

Caroline said...

I love the photos of your home. Did you paint your piano?

One Shabby Old House said...

I remember opening my magazine and finding the beautiful pictures of your home. I can spend hours studying the photos. You have created such a beatiful home.
I always enjoy going back and looking over my magazines. And what a great day it was finding your blog and so many other charming homes that have graced the pages. Thank you for Sharing.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your shoot! You have a precious home♥

Penny said...

Your home is beautiful.
Wonderful! Inside and out ~
Penny ~

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

Oh my goodness!! There's nothing but pure EYE CANDY over here!! So happy I found you!! Love your blog and your decorating style!! I'll be back for sure!!

Anonymous said...

wow! Stunning just heavenly! Love your blog and decorating ideas!

Elyse said...

hi elizabeth. not sure if you remember me but photos of your home inspired me to take on and re-do my kitchen and dining room myself. (we had emailed). are you still blogging? if so, please come by and say hi. hope all is well. xo

Unknown said...

Your home is so very lovely! I can't wait to see it all decorated for Christmas!

The Chateau of Remnants said...

I have always admired your blog!! Your home is lovely!!
Stop by at my blog I have an award for you !!

meroSmero said...

It`s a dream. My dream.
Thank you!!!

Debra Howard said...

Your home & blog are both very beautiful. Dreamy. . . makes me want to stay a whille. Enjoyed visiting.
Debbie said...

The article was so lovely!

Tutti Chic said...

I totally enjoyed your article & photos in RC! Thanks for sharing such pretty photos with us all. Every room is a total treat for the eye! :) chris P.S. I'm off to read more of your beautiful blog!

Tanya said...

I love them all! Your home looks like a relaxing and joyful place to be.

Free2BeMe350z said...

You have been selected to receive the lovely “Sisterhood Award.”
Please step forward and claim your prize...

Debra Howard said...

Your home & your post are so beautiful. I left an award for you at my blog. Blessings

Unknown said...

Hi Elizabeth, this is my first time to your blog and I just love it, you have done a wonderful job decorating your home and so deserve to be featured in the magazine.


Kindredly, Lynne Laura

Free Art Printables said...

You have a lovely home! Love the green dresser!

Stephenie said...

I just think your home is so beautiful... Every room is just stunning I can't even say what's my favorite thing. Each picture kept getting better and better. All I can say is WOW!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is my very first visit here and I just LOVE your home!! All the pink roses!!! I would be in heaven, heaven, heaven. I just can't get enough pink roses in my life--in the far north, ours don't grow as lovely as yours!

What lovely photos of your home to be included in the magazine.

Best to you!
Rose Cottage Gardens and Farm

Melly said...

Oh Elizabeth, your home is sooooo absolutely gorgeous, Shabby Chic heaven!
Your blog is inspiring, thank you because you inspire me.

Carol said...

What a lovely home!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures.

Debra Howard said...

Your home and garden are so beautiful. Dreamy and romantic.

Alison said...

Oh goodness they are all so adorable, you have such a pretty home.

nana rosie said...

So SO beautiful....this is what I the average wanna be shabby gal... wanna BE..... when I grow up!
I added you to my Fav list because I want people to think I KNOW what I'm talking about, when I say I LOVE THE SHABBY CHIC look! Thanks for aspiring me!

Unknown said...


Just love your home inside and out! I too love the shabby chic look, more white paint please...and pink of course. That is what I am always sayint to my husband when he goes to the hardware store.

Kindredly, Lynne Laura

Cindy@shabbynsweet said...

Hi , every room is absolutely gorgeous. I just couldn't pick a favourite, they are all beautiful. It made my day to see such pretty things.

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Salone Di Petros said...

Your Home is beautiful that dining room and kitchen are to die for Thank you for sharing. Best wishes Jonny

prashant said...

The reason your home always looks beautiful is because it is a reflection of your beautiful self!

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kanishk said...

Just dropping by to wish you a happy day today.

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your house is truly amazing. so pretty. how do keep it so pristine looking? sigh. xo

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Olivia said...

OH sweetheart this is just gorgeous! Magazine ready! Please stop by and say hi when you get a chance! I too am a lover of all things Shabby and Romantic!

Anonymous said...

tres bel interieur , c'est charmant

Unknown said...

Une maison de rêve, elle est magnifique. Bravo , j'aime beaucoup. Bisous d'une fan de shabby.

cendrillon said...

ta maison est magnifique, splendide! Elle est toute douce, tendre et fait rêver.
Merci de partager avec nous
bonne journée
à bientôt
bises de france said...

j'arrive du blog Victoria Street qui nous fait découvrir ton intérieur de toute beauté ... que de jolies choses chez toi ... absolument magnifique ...
Douce journée, bises

Nantucket Mermaid said...

Lovely home!

Vintage Gal said...

Elizabeth, I just found your blog through pinterest and I just love it. Your pictures are fabulous and your home gorgeous. I will have to get my copy of the magazine when it hits and stores

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Douce journée, bisous

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